LLVM OpenMP 20.0.0git
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 12]
 Basic TypesTypes that are used throughout the runtime
 Deprecated FunctionsFunctions in this group are for backwards compatibility only, and should not be used in new code
 Startup and ShutdownThese functions are for library initialization and shutdown
 Parallel (fork/join)These functions are used for implementing #pragma omp parallel
 Thread InformationThese functions return information about the currently executing thread
 Work SharingThese functions are used for implementing #pragma omp for, #pragma omp sections, #pragma omp single and #pragma omp master constructs
 SynchronizationThese functions are used for implementing barriers
 Thread private data supportThese functions support copyin/out and thread private data
 Statistics Gathering from OMPTBThese macros support profiling the libomp library
 Tasking supportThese functions support tasking constructs
 User visible functionsThese functions can be called directly by the user, but are runtime library specific, rather than being OpenMP interfaces
 Atomic OperationsThese functions are used for implementing the many different varieties of atomic operations
 Wait/Release operationsThe definitions and functions here implement the lowest level thread synchronizations of suspending a thread and awaking it
 Processor Trace controlAPI from this group provides control over collection and analysis of Intel Processor Trace (Intel PT) data Information about Intel Processor Trace technology can be found here (Volume 3 chapter 35): https://software.intel.com/sites/default/files/managed/39/c5/325462-sdm-vol-1-2abcd-3abcd.pdf Use this API to mark particular code regions for loading detailed performance statistics
 ThreadsGive names to threads
 DomainsDomains group
 IDsIDs group
 String HandlesString Handles group
 Task GroupTask Group
 TasksA task instance represents a piece of work performed by a particular thread for a period of time
 MarkersMarkers represent a single discreet event in time
 MetadataThe metadata API is used to attach extra information to named entities
 RelationsInstances of named entities can be explicitly associated with other instances using instance IDs and the relationship API calls
 CountersCounters are user-defined objects with a monotonically increasing value
 Legacy API
 Collection ControlGeneral behavior: application continues to run, but no profiling information is being collected
 ThreadsThreads group
 SynchronizationSynchronization group
 EventsEvents group
 Memory Accesses
 Thread and Object States
 FramesFrames group