LLVM OpenMP 20.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1#!/usr/bin/env python3
4# //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
5# //
6# // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
7# // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
8# // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9# //
10# //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
13import argparse
14import datetime
15import os
16import platform
17import re
18import sys
19from libomputils import ScriptError, error
23 """Convenience class for handling the target platform for configuration/compilation"""
25 system_override = None
26 """
27 Target system name override by the user.
28 It follows the conventions from https://docs.python.org/3/library/platform.html#platform.system
29 """
31 def set_system_override(override_system):
32 """
33 Set a system override for the target.
34 Please follow the style from https://docs.python.org/3/library/platform.html#platform.system
35 """
36 TargetPlatform.system_override = override_system
38 def system():
39 """
40 Target System name.
41 It follows the conventions from https://docs.python.org/3/library/platform.html#platform.system
42 """
43 if TargetPlatform.system_override is None:
44 return platform.system()
45 return TargetPlatform.system_override
49 """Convenience class for parsing message data file errors"""
51 def __init__(self, filename, line, msg):
52 super(ParseMessageDataError, self).__init__(msg)
53 self.filename = filename
54 self.line = line
57def parse_error(filename, line, msg):
58 raise ParseMessageDataError(filename, line, msg)
61def display_language_id(inputFile):
62 """Quickly parse file for LangId and print it"""
63 regex = re.compile(r'^LangId\s+"([0-9]+)"')
64 with open(inputFile, encoding="utf-8") as f:
65 for line in f:
66 m = regex.search(line)
67 if not m:
68 continue
69 print(m.group(1))
73 special = {
74 "n": "\n",
75 "t": "\t",
76 }
78 def __init__(self, lineNumber, name, text):
79 self.lineNumber = lineNumber
80 self.name = name
81 self.text = text
83 def toSrc(self):
84 if TargetPlatform.system().casefold() == "Windows".casefold():
85 return re.sub(r"%([0-9])\$(s|l?[du])", r"%\1!\2!", self.text)
86 return str(self.text)
88 def toMC(self):
89 retval = self.toSrc()
90 for special, substitute in Message.special.items():
91 retval = re.sub(r"\\{}".format(special), substitute, retval)
92 return retval
96 """
97 Convenience class representing message data parsed from i18n/* files
99 Generate these objects using static create() factory method
100 """
102 sectionInfo = {
103 "meta": {"short": "prp", "long": "meta", "set": 1, "base": 1 << 16},
104 "strings": {"short": "str", "long": "strings", "set": 2, "base": 2 << 16},
105 "formats": {"short": "fmt", "long": "formats", "set": 3, "base": 3 << 16},
106 "messages": {"short": "msg", "long": "messages", "set": 4, "base": 4 << 16},
107 "hints": {"short": "hnt", "long": "hints", "set": 5, "base": 5 << 16},
108 }
109 orderedSections = ["meta", "strings", "formats", "messages", "hints"]
111 def __init__(self):
112 self.filename = None
113 self.sections = {}
115 def getMeta(self, name):
116 metaList = self.sections["meta"]
117 for meta in metaList:
118 if meta.name == name:
119 return meta.text
120 error(
121 'No "{}" detected in meta data' " for file {}".format(name, self.filename)
122 )
124 @staticmethod
125 def create(inputFile):
126 """Creates MessageData object from inputFile"""
127 data = MessageData()
128 data.filename = os.path.abspath(inputFile)
129 obsolete = 1
130 sectionRegex = re.compile(r"-\*- ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) -\*-")
131 keyValueRegex = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s+"(.*)"')
132 moreValueRegex = re.compile(r'"(.*)"')
134 with open(inputFile, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
135 currentSection = None
136 currentKey = None
137 for lineNumber, line in enumerate(f, 1):
138 line = line.strip()
139 # Skip empty lines
140 if not line:
141 continue
142 # Skip comment lines
143 if line.startswith("#"):
144 continue
145 # Matched a section header
146 match = sectionRegex.search(line)
147 if match:
148 currentSection = match.group(1).lower()
149 if currentSection in data.sections:
151 inputFile,
152 lineNumber,
153 "section: {} already defined".format(currentSection),
154 )
155 data.sections[currentSection] = []
156 continue
157 # Matched a Key "Value" line (most lines)
158 match = keyValueRegex.search(line)
159 if match:
160 if not currentSection:
161 parse_error(inputFile, lineNumber, "no section defined yet.")
162 key = match.group(1)
163 if key == "OBSOLETE":
164 key = "OBSOLETE{}".format(obsolete)
165 obsolete += 1
166 value = match.group(2)
167 currentKey = key
168 data.sections[currentSection].append(
169 Message(lineNumber, key, value)
170 )
171 continue
172 # Matched a Continuation of string line
173 match = moreValueRegex.search(line)
174 if match:
175 value = match.group(1)
176 if not currentSection:
177 parse_error(inputFile, lineNumber, "no section defined yet.")
178 if not currentKey:
179 parse_error(inputFile, lineNumber, "no key defined yet.")
180 data.sections[currentSection][-1].text += value
181 continue
182 # Unknown line syntax
183 parse_error(inputFile, lineNumber, "bad line:\n{}".format(line))
184 return data
187def insert_header(f, data, commentChar="//"):
188 f.write(
189 "{0} Do not edit this file! {0}\n"
190 "{0} The file was generated from"
191 " {1} by {2} on {3}. {0}\n\n".format(
192 commentChar,
193 os.path.basename(data.filename),
194 os.path.basename(__file__),
195 datetime.datetime.now().ctime(),
196 )
197 )
200def generate_enum_file(enumFile, prefix, data):
201 """Create the include file with message enums"""
202 global g_sections
203 with open(enumFile, "w") as f:
204 insert_header(f, data)
205 f.write(
206 "enum {0}_id {1}\n"
207 "\n"
208 " // A special id for absence of message.\n"
209 " {0}_null = 0,\n"
210 "\n".format(prefix, "{")
211 )
212 for section in MessageData.orderedSections:
213 messages = data.sections[section]
214 info = MessageData.sectionInfo[section]
215 shortName = info["short"]
216 longName = info["long"]
217 base = info["base"]
218 setIdx = info["set"]
219 f.write(
220 " // Set #{}, {}.\n"
221 " {}_{}_first = {},\n".format(
222 setIdx, longName, prefix, shortName, base
223 )
224 )
225 for message in messages:
226 f.write(" {}_{}_{},\n".format(prefix, shortName, message.name))
227 f.write(" {}_{}_last,\n\n".format(prefix, shortName))
228 f.write(
229 " {0}_xxx_lastest\n\n"
230 "{1}; // enum {0}_id\n\n"
231 "typedef enum {0}_id {0}_id_t;\n\n\n"
232 "// end of file //\n".format(prefix, "}")
233 )
236def generate_signature_file(signatureFile, data):
237 """Create the signature file"""
238 sigRegex = re.compile(r"(%[0-9]\$(s|l?[du]))")
239 with open(signatureFile, "w") as f:
240 f.write("// message catalog signature file //\n\n")
241 for section in MessageData.orderedSections:
242 messages = data.sections[section]
243 longName = MessageData.sectionInfo[section]["long"]
244 f.write("-*- {}-*-\n\n".format(longName.upper()))
245 for message in messages:
246 sigs = sorted(list(set([a for a, b in sigRegex.findall(message.text)])))
247 i = 0
248 # Insert empty placeholders if necessary
249 while i != len(sigs):
250 num = i + 1
251 if not sigs[i].startswith("%{}".format(num)):
252 sigs.insert(i, "%{}$-".format(num))
253 else:
254 i += 1
255 f.write("{:<40} {}\n".format(message.name, " ".join(sigs)))
256 f.write("\n")
257 f.write("// end of file //\n")
260def generate_default_messages_file(defaultFile, prefix, data):
261 """Create the include file with message strings organized"""
262 with open(defaultFile, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
263 insert_header(f, data)
264 for section in MessageData.orderedSections:
265 f.write(
266 "static char const *\n"
267 "__{}_default_{}[] =\n"
268 " {}\n"
269 " NULL,\n".format(prefix, section, "{")
270 )
271 messages = data.sections[section]
272 for message in messages:
273 f.write(' "{}",\n'.format(message.toSrc()))
274 f.write(" NULL\n" " {};\n\n".format("}"))
275 f.write(
276 "struct kmp_i18n_section {0}\n"
277 " int size;\n"
278 " char const ** str;\n"
279 "{1}; // struct kmp_i18n_section\n"
280 "typedef struct kmp_i18n_section kmp_i18n_section_t;\n\n"
281 "static kmp_i18n_section_t\n"
282 "__{2}_sections[] =\n"
283 " {0}\n"
284 " {0} 0, NULL {1},\n".format("{", "}", prefix)
285 )
287 for section in MessageData.orderedSections:
288 messages = data.sections[section]
289 f.write(
290 " {} {}, __{}_default_{} {},\n".format(
291 "{", len(messages), prefix, section, "}"
292 )
293 )
294 numSections = len(MessageData.orderedSections)
295 f.write(
296 " {0} 0, NULL {1}\n"
297 " {1};\n\n"
298 "struct kmp_i18n_table {0}\n"
299 " int size;\n"
300 " kmp_i18n_section_t * sect;\n"
301 "{1}; // struct kmp_i18n_table\n"
302 "typedef struct kmp_i18n_table kmp_i18n_table_t;\n\n"
303 "static kmp_i18n_table_t __kmp_i18n_default_table =\n"
304 " {0}\n"
305 " {3},\n"
306 " __{2}_sections\n"
307 " {1};\n\n"
308 "// end of file //\n".format("{", "}", prefix, numSections)
309 )
312def generate_message_file_unix(messageFile, data):
313 """
314 Create the message file for Unix OSes
316 Encoding is in UTF-8
317 """
318 with open(messageFile, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
319 insert_header(f, data, commentChar="$")
320 f.write('$quote "\n\n')
321 for section in MessageData.orderedSections:
322 setIdx = MessageData.sectionInfo[section]["set"]
323 f.write(
324 "$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
325 "$ {}\n"
326 "$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"
327 "$set {}\n\n".format(section, setIdx)
328 )
329 messages = data.sections[section]
330 for num, message in enumerate(messages, 1):
331 f.write('{} "{}"\n'.format(num, message.toSrc()))
332 f.write("\n")
333 f.write("\n$ end of file $")
336def generate_message_file_windows(messageFile, data):
337 """
338 Create the message file for Windows OS
340 Encoding is in UTF-16LE
341 """
342 language = data.getMeta("Language")
343 langId = data.getMeta("LangId")
344 with open(messageFile, "w", encoding="utf-16-le") as f:
345 insert_header(f, data, commentChar=";")
346 f.write("\nLanguageNames = ({0}={1}:msg_{1})\n\n".format(language, langId))
347 f.write("FacilityNames=(\n")
348 for section in MessageData.orderedSections:
349 setIdx = MessageData.sectionInfo[section]["set"]
350 shortName = MessageData.sectionInfo[section]["short"]
351 f.write(" {}={}\n".format(shortName, setIdx))
352 f.write(")\n\n")
354 for section in MessageData.orderedSections:
355 shortName = MessageData.sectionInfo[section]["short"]
356 n = 0
357 messages = data.sections[section]
358 for message in messages:
359 n += 1
360 f.write(
361 "MessageId={}\n"
362 "Facility={}\n"
363 "Language={}\n"
364 "{}\n.\n\n".format(n, shortName, language, message.toMC())
365 )
366 f.write("\n; end of file ;")
369def main():
370 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate message data files")
371 parser.add_argument(
372 "--lang-id",
373 action="store_true",
374 help="Print language identifier of the message catalog source file",
375 )
376 parser.add_argument(
377 "--prefix",
378 default="kmp_i18n",
379 help="Prefix to be used for all C identifiers (type and variable names)"
380 " in enum and default message files.",
381 )
382 parser.add_argument("--enum", metavar="FILE", help="Generate enum file named FILE")
383 parser.add_argument(
384 "--default", metavar="FILE", help="Generate default messages file named FILE"
385 )
386 parser.add_argument(
387 "--signature", metavar="FILE", help="Generate signature file named FILE"
388 )
389 parser.add_argument(
390 "--message", metavar="FILE", help="Generate message file named FILE"
391 )
392 parser.add_argument(
393 "--target-system-override",
394 metavar="TARGET_SYSTEM_NAME",
395 help="Target System override.\n"
396 "By default the target system is the host system\n"
397 "See possible values at https://docs.python.org/3/library/platform.html#platform.system",
398 )
399 parser.add_argument("inputfile")
400 commandArgs = parser.parse_args()
402 if commandArgs.lang_id:
403 display_language_id(commandArgs.inputfile)
404 return
405 data = MessageData.create(commandArgs.inputfile)
406 prefix = commandArgs.prefix
407 if commandArgs.target_system_override:
408 TargetPlatform.set_system_override(commandArgs.target_system_override)
409 if commandArgs.enum:
410 generate_enum_file(commandArgs.enum, prefix, data)
411 if commandArgs.default:
412 generate_default_messages_file(commandArgs.default, prefix, data)
413 if commandArgs.signature:
414 generate_signature_file(commandArgs.signature, data)
415 if commandArgs.message:
416 if TargetPlatform.system().casefold() == "Windows".casefold():
417 generate_message_file_windows(commandArgs.message, data)
418 else:
419 generate_message_file_unix(commandArgs.message, data)
422if __name__ == "__main__":
423 try:
424 main()
425 except ScriptError as e:
426 print("error: {}".format(e))
427 sys.exit(1)
429# end of file
def __init__(self, lineNumber, name, text)
def __init__(self, filename, line, msg)
def set_system_override(override_system)
void const char const char int ITT_FORMAT __itt_group_sync x void const char ITT_FORMAT __itt_group_sync s void ITT_FORMAT __itt_group_sync p void ITT_FORMAT p void ITT_FORMAT p no args __itt_suppress_mode_t unsigned int void size_t ITT_FORMAT d void ITT_FORMAT p void ITT_FORMAT p __itt_model_site __itt_model_site_instance ITT_FORMAT p __itt_model_task __itt_model_task_instance ITT_FORMAT p void ITT_FORMAT p void ITT_FORMAT p void size_t ITT_FORMAT d void ITT_FORMAT p const wchar_t ITT_FORMAT s const char ITT_FORMAT s const char ITT_FORMAT s const char ITT_FORMAT s no args void ITT_FORMAT p size_t ITT_FORMAT d no args const wchar_t const wchar_t ITT_FORMAT s __itt_heap_function void size_t int ITT_FORMAT d __itt_heap_function void ITT_FORMAT p __itt_heap_function void void size_t int ITT_FORMAT d no args no args unsigned int ITT_FORMAT u const __itt_domain __itt_id ITT_FORMAT lu const __itt_domain __itt_id __itt_id __itt_string_handle ITT_FORMAT p const __itt_domain __itt_id ITT_FORMAT p const __itt_domain __itt_id __itt_timestamp __itt_timestamp ITT_FORMAT lu const __itt_domain __itt_id __itt_id __itt_string_handle ITT_FORMAT p const __itt_domain ITT_FORMAT p const __itt_domain __itt_string_handle unsigned long long ITT_FORMAT lu const __itt_domain __itt_string_handle unsigned long long ITT_FORMAT lu const __itt_domain __itt_id __itt_string_handle __itt_metadata_type size_t void * data
def generate_signature_file(signatureFile, data)
def generate_enum_file(enumFile, prefix, data)
def generate_default_messages_file(defaultFile, prefix, data)
def generate_message_file_unix(messageFile, data)
def parse_error(filename, line, msg)
def generate_message_file_windows(messageFile, data)
def insert_header(f, data, commentChar="//")
def display_language_id(inputFile)